Their Satanic Monastery's Request E110

"Their Satanic Monastery Request" is when the season starts spreading up. For the first episodes the black tapes started slow with condensed stories and a few connecting lines but it comes into its own. The episode  revolves around a Religious order called the Order of the Cenophus, the same order that Percieval Black is part of. There is a lot of mysteries brought up in this episode that tend to be more filled out as the seasons progress but never seem to be answered fully.

 What is the Order of the Cenophus?

 Why did they hold a seance?

 Who is Percieval Black?

Where is Keith Dabic?

The Episode doesn't answer any of these but at least fills in some of the smaller blanks. It has some interesting characters and some great scenes that make you remember that this is technically a horror podcast.

Closing Thoughts

  • That Scene with the Medium Exorcising a demon was amazingly scary
  • Also it was interesting to see a Christian Medium. Most Mediums (At least that I've seen) usually don't have a defined religion so its interesting to see one that does.

This Article was originally posted on the Podcast Database Wiki


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