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New Beginnings, RoadTrips, and Aliens: My April Watchlist

Hey Whores,  I'm not in that photo btw that just me and my friends on a hike.  So here's the vibe um I quit my job at the golf course. I'm not going to get into the details but I needed to move on from the position and the stars aligned for it to be very easy to make that step, emotional. I'm not currently fully employed rn. But I have my savings and I'll be fine.  The last week of April was my busiest. I went on a hike with friends, (as pictured), I mowed my entire lawn and I went on a Roadtrip! It was not spur of the moment I had wanted to visit a 'friend' if you catch my drift. So I drove out up the highway to Eugene, then Redmond, then Klamath Falls, and then back home. I feasted on a glut of beauty taking in vista after vista and there is something amazing about traveling. Because you are constantly reminded of where you live. It's a stretch of road, or a brick wall with a faded Coca-Cola ad, or some poor hot piece of tarmac and your brain thinks fo

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