My November Wrapup: Birthday shit, Borderlands and other such merriments.

Hey Whores, Please Enjoy this Picture of me at the 2023 Fall Uncorked Wine Tour. I look very cute I agree. 

Looking back at a full month is always differcult. I guess if I was smart about it I could keep an accurate diary and sycreticize the experience but lets be real does the world wish to know what I had for breakfest on october 25th, 2023. Fifty Years from know One Hundred? I'm sure some sort of history pervert cares about such things but as it goes I will do my best to talk about what I can remember. What I have felt in my compressed memory and for any future history perverts please understand that we use Chicken Eggs in our recipe. Your Welcome. 

This Year I turned 26 and it made me feel some kind of way. I feel that I have in some way, achieved shit in my twenties. I mean I'm not a virgin and I have a career and I kinda have friends. I'm slowly balancing the yin/yang of adulthood. Between allowing myself endless pleasure and the cool steel rush of responsibility. The hard cock teaseing of owning multiple pairs of bedsheets. Tres difficil. 

I spent most of this month feeling like shit and that mostly meant weeks of laying in bed exhausted watching true crime with a head-ache. November is also a depression month for me and I'm not exactly sure why. All of my loved ones died in the spring. Theres no truly large tragedys that tie into it so honestly I think its just a seasonal depression thing. The earth crys itself to sleep and we must grieve its passing. 

Enniu is a constant enemy. and often this feeling of being adrift threatens to scare the horses. The fact that I'm doing so much better financially from the beginning of this year is just honestly so relieving. It feels like I'm out of a hard part of my life and I can finally start turning torwards improving my station. November begins the beginning of the end. Of the year of the worry over what a new year will bring and everytime its hard to tell whether or not the future will hold will be what we need. 

I wrote something for my birthday that will probably be good let me find it. 


In other news, I spent some time with my bestie and played video games and thats about it. like I said it was a lowki month. 


The Fall of the House of Usher (2023)

As you have probably guessed from reading my other blog posts that I'm rather a big fan of Mike Flanagan and have therefore seen every single other one of his TV shows. I believe there is some debate whether or not this is consider part of his 'Haunting' series but I'm defently considering it part of the strand. 

FOTHOU is a gothic crime drama based lousely on the works of Edgar Allen Poe and is a bit of a Roman à clef for the Sackler Family, Oh there the ones that made Oxycotin. This show is not particular light on the social commentary. 

Regardless if your a big poe fan then you should get all of these references. In fact there were references that I didn't get and thats saying something. 

The cast is Flanagan's standard trope so the roles are of course fantastic, and bisexual, and Carla Gugino is allowed to do anything, (and I do mean anything) to me. 

I really fucking enjoyed this. It is very different in tone from HOHH and HOBM but a dark crime serial is absolutely up Poe's alley and I honestly will let Flanagan make whatever he wants. You know I'll enjoy it. 

Bodies (2023)

So this continues a trend of obscure Vertigo Comic Adaptations and if you know how much I'm a fan of both Sandman and Fables, (as well as time travel, prod crime, and Historical Queerness), then you can imagine how much I loved this. 

Bodies is a 8 Episode mini-series following four different detectives all investigating the EXACT SAME CRIME. Now how in the world does that happen. 

I think its important to mention that each of these cops are all minorties in one way or another. The main timeline cop is a black muslim, the cop from the 1940s is Jewish and there individually perspectives due try into the work. At first I was worried that this would be a bit too maudlin. A bit too much like copaganda, (like the lesbian moms army ad you know the one), but ultimately I really like that they made that decision. It manage to thread the needle by admitting that the system is flawed and ultimately they are made to uphold that system and that these are ultimately well meaning people who are also affected by the system. 

Honestly its a little girl-bossy but I'm ok with stories about cops not being only about angry white men. 
I need to be clear that this is mostly a fantasty. That the vast majority of cops are people who already have some kind of privilage in life. And diversifrying the hand that cracks the whip does nothing to stop that whip from being cracked. I like this story, The mythology of these good cops who care and try is inspiring but its important that we understand that this is just a story. And in real life its a lot worse for everyone involved. 

Anyway off of my soap box this is just a cool ass and delightful sci-fi crime thriller. You should watch it. 

Escaping Twin Flames (2023)

Ok I may have spent the next couple weeks watching nothing but true crime docs and I might really like them actually. 

This documentary is decent. I feel like its mostly luck that I've managed to get the particually shitty docs like Bad Vegan out of the way. 

Escaping Twin Flames is the story of the Twin Flames Academy let me explain. 

So Twin Flames are like these 'soul mates' but somehow different. So the two assholes picture above are like yeah I can tell you who your soul mate is .... Five Bucks. And somehow this turns into an absolutely insane hellscape which to not spoil I will discribe as.... Restructing a business for tax benefits, Birthing the Christ Child through IVF, and Sequental Hermophodetic Frogs. This shit is wildin'. 

I had fun with it, and also dear god these poor people. Luckily this would not happen to me because I know that I'll die alone. 

The Vault (2011)

Made by the same creators as Circle(2015), The Vault is a near-forgotten web-series about an odd competition show for a failing tv studio. 150 College Students are locked in these puzzle rooms and must work together to find a way out. The Real Question is, "Is anyone still watching?"

This show was fantastic, its on Youtube and honestly this is just television. This is just a really fucking good like mystery show and its done so well for such a limited budget. Also literally everyone in this show is so hot. I don't want to spoiler this so just watch it. 

Scott Pilgram Takes Off (2023)

Oh goodness what to talk about this without spoiling the whole thing. 

I don't really want to talk alot about the plot of the show, if your going to watch it go into it with as little information as possible. 

So what I will do is speak to what this show evokes in me. 

I read Scott Pilgram in HS and it just spoke to me. Its was cool and quirky and now that I have reread it heavily inspired by Ramna 1/2 which was another big thing for me growing up and also it was kinda gay. There was a lot of just really big feels in it that spoke to me. and as I grew up Scott Pilgram stuck with me as I know it did for a lot of other people my age. 

This new show seems to understand that it to me feels like the Scott Pilgram for adults. Its a grown up version of the narrative in conversation with its younger self. 

I just really really liked this. It was fun, it was nuanced, it was GAY AS FUCK. Which finally bitches. 

A Balm for the soul really. 


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