My May Wrapup

 May was a differcult month for a lot of reasons. I've recently taken a job as a catering assistent and this has brought with it a very different work/life balance. Atm it is sustainable through a little bit tighter of a belt then I would perfur. That being said I really do like my job, I have really enjoyable vibrant coworkers, and in terms of experience and prestigue in makes up double what I lose in billable hours. I've never worked in a freelance style job before and with anything it will come with growing pains. May brought with it a lull in the season before we get into the insanity of summer weddings, (thoughts and prayers pless). Honestly there was a lot of ennei happening and I kinda fell of the wagon in terms of media reviewing. I focuses on a few other things and I'm glad that I've given myself permission to do so.  Reading, Gaming, and creating a few more involved scripts for my youtube channel. Also I started up duolingo again so if this blog goes dark just know its because I missed my daily spanish lession, lo siento.  Near the end of the month I had a especially stressfull week at work as we dealt with a particular differcult wedding. The crew was sick, there was some supply chain issue that further strained us and then I had to go and get down with the sickness. No, not the rona thank god just the flu which is also super pesky and awful. Also in a completely shocking chain of event I didn't manage to watch a single movie in the month of May. 


I know who is he. I don't particular mind. TBH all the screen time before bed definetly seems to have affected my sleep schredule in retrospect and I been using my time to get in a little bit more reading in bed. One of the things I've realized this month is that I need to spend a little bit more time being mindful of what I would like and more importantly what I need to get down every week. We live in uncertain times and sometimes I worry that everytime I chose to consume media or make art that I am wasting my time that there is not some kind of productivity that my energy is better suited for. But sometimes I think we have to say to ourselves that as long as we our ok for the moment. Its ok to breath and take a small bit of time for yourself. Be aware, Be Safe, but still take that time for yourself. 



Referenced: Lake Clarity

I'm sure I've mentioned it before but Serial was one of the hottest podcasts sensations and it like the Blair Witch Project in the 90s, it spurred weirdly enough a whole calvacade of horror themed docu-series. The Black Tapes, Tanis, Small Town Horror, The Box, So many different podcasts caught onto the formula through if I'm being honest some there was some amount of 90s mystery show nostaglia to boot. One of these shows was Limetown. 

Limetown held a special place in my heart it had only lasted for one season, and there was a several year hiatus before the second season was regarded. It was also highly regarded in the audio drama fandom? at the time. 

For those that don't know the basic premise is like this. There was a science town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere that was doing some kinda of Black Ops Fringe science until one day every single member of the town, hundreds of Men, woman, and children disappear. A young plucky journalist makes this podcast to investigate and for the first time in 4 years, one of the survivors speaks out. 

What follows next is everything we love in a horror podcast, cagey interviews, monologues, a vague conspiracy that threatens to attack our narrator. Therin lies the rub. This is definetly a fun show, it has its moments but it never really hit home for me in the way that other shows did. Part of this might be a bit of genre poisoning remember this type of podcast was the di riguer at the time so any podcast know might feel a bit tropey but its not my favorite. 

The things I think make it stand out are its interstitual mini episodes, little updates between episodes. Small Town Horror did something similar during one of its hiatuses and The Black Tapes would have teasers during there first season but I don't think I've seen any other podcast due quite the same thing in terms of storytelling. I always like a little verity in terms of format. 

I also really liked the Science Fiction Aspect of it. There really isn't a lot of sci-fi horror in the genre, (in this case 2010s horror mocu-series), most of the spoops and scares focused on supernatural. The closest I can think of is The White Vault and even thats a stretch. 

I wanna be clear that this is absolutely a fun enjoyable podcast it deserves the hype I just didn't fall in love with it.  

TV Shows

The 4400

Referenced: Slasher
So I remember watching this show on netflix around 2014 but apparently this came out in 2004 which honestly just makes it worse. The 2000s and 2010s where filled with a lot of schlocky low budget drama and sci-fi shows and there are a lot of ones I really loved premise wise. Netflix at the time had bought up a lot of the more obscure ones. So no Fringe of Flash Forward but you got things like Jerico and Persons Unknown, (which I really want to rewatch now). The 4400 falls more into this category. 

Also I hated it so lets roast it. 

It follows the Hero formala of ensemble cast with various abilities except Heroes was amazing and good and this sucked dick. 

The Characters:
Ok so the main crime fighting duo is your generic action guy but unlike Latimer from Warehouse 13 or  Jack Carter from Eureka hes just some generic hothead. he could guest star as one of the Agent Booths coworkers whose casually misogynest in an episode of Bones. Speaking of Brennen his partner is a CDC officer who treats people like disease vectors, almost like thats her job. She fits into that sort of mousy intellitual but lonely spinster type and while they are both very flat characters she at least likable. The main guy is so emotional constipated that his lack of empathy borders on sociapathic. 

The first season follows three groups of the 4400. 

The first is a little girl who can see the future she is the only character I really liked and she played the creepy child schlick pretty well. 

The second is the Main Dudes nephew whose going back to school after 4 years of being kidnapped by aliens and its messy and not in the funway. Mean girls came out that year and I might rewatch that to remember what a good teen drama is. The dudes bullied a lot its cringy and also the main confict is the love triangle between his brother and his brothers girlfriend who is the girl next door except she has tits now. No seriously, the writers were like lets do the Twin Paradox so that his love interest is legal now. Ew. like she persued him and shit but its still icky. Ok technically shes the same age as him now but any story that begins with hey lover boy im not the little girl I used to be hey look its my titties is still problamtic. 

Speaking of iffy relationships. 

The last group follows a black guy from the 1940s who is dating and being the surrogate?, (ok I'm basing this off what they said in the first season) dad of his Fiances great grand daughter. Which like I'm double related to some of my cousins but when your show has a conversation that starts with "do you love me or do you love that I look exactly like my great grandma" I'm going to be tired. 

The Politics:
So there is an obnoxious amount of neoliberilism in this movie. There is legit a screen where the black character is like lol I completly forgot that this is the new millenial and racism doesn't exist anymore, No one would do the housing discrimination against me for the color of my skin and sorry love and looking back I realize that this is a lot better of a vibe then the '40s but lets not be niave. It just pisses me off that we could have a really fucking interesting arc that actually addresses racism and how our country changed political due to the civil rights movement but no we get some half-baked metaphor about how the 4400 are a oppessed minority which OK I don't disagree with but this isn't Mercedes Thompsen, this isn't Izombie. This is some milquetoast fantasy racism that honestly just tired to look at. 

theres also some other bullshit like this one episode where cinnoman toast beta cuck doesn't understand why poor people vandalise there neighborhood and instead of actually taking the time to discuss the ghettoisation of urban centers due to red-lining a topic that might be on the public conscience considering how the biggest music at the time was gangster rap and the writers were probably alive for the LOS ANGELAS RIOTS. but no we get some discount batman shit he gets shot and then the community bans together to clean up the park as if gentrification and economic disinfrasement is fixed by replacing the broken window. 

Other Bullshit:
The diologue is not great, theres literally a scene where the main chick says she has a boyfriend,  and the main dude, and yes i'm paraphrasing, "a man, why I assumed my the fact that your such a cold unfeeling bitch, that you must have been an ugly man-hating lesbo". Theres some vague evil dude who literally makes a gated communty for the 4400. Also halfway through the season they bring in another generic white dude and I cannot tell them apart, like they literally look like the same person to me its a problem. 

This is not a good show, the drama is boring, the characters are very flat, and the writing is so fucking underdeveloped. Ok I'm not saying that every show has to be super political or have deep moral themes but if your not going to have good drama give me something I can bite into. This is just a supernatural prod crime at this point and I'd rather watch something like Fringe or Haven. 

Video Games

Honey Pop

Referenced: Crush Crush

"Are you winning, son?"

Ok so lets be honest here the most important thing here is best girl and worst girl but...
because I love you I'm gonna give you my top 2 for each ok lets begin. Also I'm drunk =)

Runnerup Worst Girl: Nikki

Ok you might think what about Aubrey shes such a bitch. And yeah Aubrey is a bitch but she owns it. She might be mean but shes one of those people that doesn't expect people to put up with her shit. She doesn't need people and if you want to hang out then don't fucking bitch about it. I respect Aubrey because shes real about it. Nikki is here me out just as big of a bitch but shes super fake about it. She acts like shes this UWU soft girl but shes just a nerd who is as mean and toxic as Aubrey but doesn't have to self awareness to realish that shes not a nice person. Not to be an ass but I generally just don't like hanging out with her, she asks you random ass questions then gets mad when you don't tell her what she wants to hear. And the worst thing is shes not easy to read, most girls you know what they vibe is Nikki just shames you for having the wrong attitude about whatever bullshit shes on about. 

Runnerup Best Girl: Jessie

Ok, Jessie is literally the sweetish fucking person ever and y'all are trash for not realizing that. 

I love her shes sweet, she doesn't expect a lot from me because men are trash and she makes me feel good about myself. I would literally just hang out with Jessie after her route because she fucking deserves love and affection. Shes a women that no's what she wants, and isn't ashamed to ask for it. You wish you could be half the women that she is. 

Worst Girl: Beli

Ok this is controvesal but your waifu is trash. 

I don't even have as strong of a reason as Nikki I just think Beli kinda fake. So in the game you can generally ask each girl 3 questions without feeding her per day, (technically you could probably get 6 if you manage to meet her 3 times in one day), Beli only lets you ask her a question maybe every 1 in 10 times. which makes her the second most girl that has that ask rate, the first is Audrey it took me weeks to complete here profile. Beli only available 5 out of the 7 days because she goes somewhere on the weekends, I don't even think it was explains she just leaves. So everytime you meet with her she usually asks you a few questions and they are almost always the same format. 

"Do you believe in aliens"

1. Aliens are fake and your dumb for believing in them. 
2. I mean like y'know theres probably some kind of higher power
3. Um yeah, what do you think happened in the battle of Los Angeles. 

And every time without fail she wants you to chose the neutral option. Beli's whole personality is being like kinda spiritual y'know but then she actually shys away from any actually belief in the pertrenatural. Sorry Beli but I'm fucking an alien and a love fairy is sitting in my bedroom watching my porn. I have to go to lusties nightclub after this to give a ruby to the roman personification of love and feritlity, sorry that you think your so deep for liking pinecones and smudging your apartment on occasion. 

and I probably wouldn't care as much except that Beli route takes a redecoulas amount of time to complete. I mean the fucking her part about the same but the actually getting to know her as a person part. Basicall y she sucks. 

Best Girl: Celeste

Sorry boys and girls the alien chick is hot and she asks me questions about the solar system. Shes just a fun time and she was worth hanging out with even if it took me a couple times having to fuck nikki before I could meet her. 

looking back at the last couple paragraphs I am overwhelmed with the fact that I have become the exact kind of straight guy that I dislike but theres also this cloying air of incelese in this game. The main point of this game is to fuck bitches and take their panties to get the good ending, (I am legitemetly not joking), and this game really pushes the line between satire on shitty oteme protag and just being a shitty oteme protag. The heaviest girl in the game in 138 pounds and considers herself obese. Add to that the blantant racial fetishism and the lolli nekkomeme and you can get a sense that while this show got the titty it also has every single probalmatic hentai trope possible. 

If I'm being objective this isn't a *bad* game it has enough self awareness to make the dating game cliches palatable and while I don't get the warm and fuzzys from the romantic routes there at least a little more development then *ummm* Crush Crush's Phone Flings? I've played like 5 dating sims and half of them where smut so I don't have a lot to compare it to. 

That being said this game also leans into all the gross bad parts of the genre. so just know if you play this it will feel like your one of those people that own an ahegao hoodie.


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