Hush Little Baby

The Nice thing about season two is how organic it is The Story flows in an out with out much prompting from Strand. After Alex's fight with Strand Her own black tapes have been coming in. Personally I really like it. It makes Alex seem that she is in this world that she's a person you can come to when the paranormal shit hits the fan. It gives Alex a level of autonomy that isn't directed by Strands Monster-Of-The-Weeks Cases. And that's kinda the point. A lot of Season Two is hinting away at the larger systemic workings of the story while season one was introducing ideas and laying some groundwork. Its not just Simon anymore. The Torres boy these two children from the second and third episode.

What is happening?

 What do the nearly identical circles mean?

Is this some sort of Conspiracy, Some shady group performing rituals on infants for some sort of strange esoteric purpose?

 We don't know the answers but there's two many data points for this to be a coincidence. You can explain away shadows on a photograph. But complex esoteric sigels underneath a bed, Somethings up with that.

Also while Alex and Strand have never been the most reliable narrators they starting to show signs of cracking. Alex Insomnia gets mentioned a lot something that she had been having for awhile now. Not to mention the Apparent Visual hallucinations and Strand has gone down the rabbit hole talking about the Advocate with a fervor that is more believing the Skeptical. Season Two really isn't pulling punches it wants to set its ground and let you know something is going on.

Which brings us to are ending, The Death of Maddie Franks. A lot times its easy to forget that this is a horror podcast but when Alex and Nick walk though the door that fact comes right back up again. This isn't the first time someones been deceased, Simon Reeses Parents, Jeff Wendt, even Sarah Benning. None of These where nice Tidy deaths but Maddie Franks was somehow so much harsher. Maybe it was the here and nowness of it, The fact that they found her body, or maybe just the shock both from they realization of what they seeing and the shock we feel as the twist is revealed. It brings everything to the forefront the Shadow Man which we see in the corners of are eye to suddenly right in front of us.

This article was originally posted on the Podcast Database Wiki.


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