King Falls AM

King Falls Am is a podcast hosted by Ben Arnold (Noah James) and Sammy Stevens (Kyle Brown) and produced by the Make Believe Picture Company.
Like Nightvale and Gravity Falls before,(and the granddaddy of all Twin Peaks), King Falls AM deals with the preternatural happenings of a sleepy little mountain Mayberry.

Giving the premise, a radio station that deals with the supernatural and the paranormal my original impression was a welcome to Nightvale clone but the actuality is much different.

While it starts with a radio station and a voice the differences make themselves apparent. The extreme surrealism and blatant acceptance of the bizarre and uncanny of Nightvale is replaced with a down to earth realism and actually genuine skepticism. King Falls manages to believe in ghosts, lake monsters, and the paranormal yet at the same time lampshades  that belief.  When the towns moral guardian calls in to complain that the local crop circle is an alien gang sign in an intergalactic turf war the absurdity of the paranormal reveals itself.

Another difference is the characters, from the foul-mouthed fisherman who drops the f-bomb every sentence to the local reverend who's ready to get "turnt up with Jesus" to the mayor who has his secretary record transcripts of an early morning radio program that apparently everyone is listening to, King Falls is filled with eccentric and interesting characters.

Overall King Falls wins with its sense of realism and continuity. The characters expressed their fears, emotions, and doubts in turns comical and dramatic.Its a great piece of  paranormal fiction in a slice of life style. Sometimes you get kidnapped by the rainbow lights on your way home from work and sometimes you just have to cower in the radio station as the parking lot is covered in a bunch of threatening doom roses hand delivered by the super secret society probably ran by the local old money asshole,(who's probably a vampire).

But it all seriousness, if your a fan of Paranormal Fiction or Just got finished with rewatching Twin Peaks or Welcome to Night Vale and your looking for something in the same vein check it out. Its a fresh take on the premise and a whole lot of fun. The early episodes are fairly short, (at about 15 minutes), so its perfect for a short commute or a early morning jog.

External Links

This Article was originally posted on the Podcast Database Wiki.


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