Where I've Been ... sorry.


Hey Guys, I'm back I know long time no see. 

So where have I been?




Oh um you wanted an actually answer to that well hang on. 

The short answer is that I've been doing this little thing called getting a job to pay my rent. as I've mentioned this year has been a lot of work getting into catering and while it is an absolutely enjoyable experience the hours don't always lead to what I would call a stable cash flow. 

So pulled a pro gamer move and got a 9-5 for the off season. Get the best of both worlds and just absolutely smash it out of the park and become a more well rounded chef. I like to think that I've grown as a person but yeah its been a process. 

the longer answer is a bit more complicated. 

This blog used to be an outlet for two things, watching movies and writing in general. 

I have letterboxd which fills the first void and now I've changed my content on my youtube channel to video essays so I also spend most of my time writing on scripting videos rather then doing reviews. 

and I do like blogging its an enjoyable experience but its just something that I've lost interest in at least in comparision to my other forms of content creation. 

I also have reached a bit of an impasse where the vast majority of the stuff I have left on my too watch list for the Boolean Blog I have slotted for longer form content. Stuff like Serial, and the Suicide Forest Films. I want to create videos or other media around it and that takes time. Also its a lot of TV Shows and I just don't have the energy or the inclination to watch a full ass mini-series every month especially when I spend most of my media watching hours enjoying movies. 

That being said moving forward when I'm not working on my YT channel content I will try my best to actually bust out the rest of the articles I have planned for the References Series? (is that what I want to call it). I do like this more casually form of blogging and if I really want to make this into something I enjoy I have to take a step back and really figure out what I enjoy about this platform. Its the same thing I had to do as a Youtube Content Creator and hopefully we can come out the other end of this with something thats a little bit more enjoyable for the both of us. Follow the Joy Right?


BTW I will be posting a Review of Blood Red OX (2022) dir. Rodrigo Bellott. If you read my review on All Must Die then you know that this is a Critique Screening for Breaking Glass Pictures. Yes I do feel like a boujee bitch. 


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